Ullambana/Parents Day Celebration

Ullambana/Parents Day Celebration

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Date(s) - 08/27/2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Phuoc Hue Temple


Ullamabana is a traditional event dating back to the Buddha’s time to promote filial piety and gratitude to our parents and ancestors. The merits of chanting can be transferred either to our deceased ancestors to alleviate them from the lower realms or to our parents to help them eradicate bad karma so that they may enjoy peace and blessings.

During the service, our Abbot will give a short sermon about the Ullambana holiday in Vietnamese and English, afterward we will do some short chanting in Vietnamese and English. We celebrate Ullambana by chanting the Ullambana Sutra and wearing pinned roses representing our parents. Attendees either wear a red, pink, or white rose. Red roses represents both parents are living. Pink roses represents one parent living. And white roses represents both parents deceased. After the service is complete, there will be free vegetarian food for lunch (packed in to-go boxes for safety and convenience).

Please join us in-person and virtual (Facebook Live) on Sunday, August 27 at 10am for this beautiful celebration.

Event will be live-streamed on Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/sabuddhisttemple

Additionally, this year we will also be including Ancestral Tablets (mini “Ancestral Shrines”) for our beloved deceased. These mini shrines (pictured below) will include the deceased’s name, date of birth, and date of death. You may pledge $5 for each mini shrine. All names will be included in the prayer and transfer of merit that is chanted by the Venerable Abbot. Please click here to make your pledge(s) or use the Donate button below.

All tablets will be displayed during the Ullambana ceremony.

After you’ve made the pledge, you will be redirected to fill out the form with the deceased’s information. Each name will receive their own Ancestral Shrine. 

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